The Future of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence?

 Artificial Intelligence (AI) and associated technologies will be present across many industries,    within a considerable number of software packages, and part of our daily lives by 2020. Gartner has also predicted that by 2020, AI will become one of the top five investment priorities for at least 30 percent of Chief Information Officers. Global software vendors are after this new gold rush. Unfortunately, though the promise of new revenue has pushed software business owners to invest in AI technologies, the truth is that most organizations do not have skilled staff to embrace AI.

The Future of AI:

In the post-industrialization era, people have worked to create a machine that behaves like a human. The thinking machine is AI’s biggest gift to humankind; the grand entry of this self-propelled machine has suddenly changed the operative rules of business. In recent years, self-driving vehicles, digital assistants, robotic factory staff, and smart cities have proven that intelligent machines are possible. AI has transformed most industry sectors like retail, manufacturing, finance, healthcare, and media and continues to invade new territories.

The Future of Machine Learning

Here are some predictions about Machine Learning, based on current technology trends and ML’s systematic progression toward maturity:

  • ML will be an integral part of all AI systems, large or small.
  • As ML assumes increased importance in business applications, there is a strong possibility of this technology being offered as a Cloud-based service known as Machine Learning-as-a-Service (MLaaS).
  • Connected AI systems will enable ML algorithms to “continuously learn,” based on newly emerging information on the internet.
  • There will be a big rush among hardware vendors to enhance CPU power to accommodate ML data processing. More accurately, hardware vendors will be pushed to redesign their machines to do justice to the powers of ML.
  • Machine Learning will help machines to make a better sense of context and meaning of data.

Ansaf Ali Khan
Editor Of the Page
P:  0309-1840899 

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